

Before you run the included setup script, you should review the setup configuration file:


This file contains a list of initial values that will be added to the database during setup.

The values include:

  • Indicator confidences (first value will be used as the default)

  • Indicator impacts (first value will be used as the default)

  • Indicator statuses (first value will be used as the default)

  • Indicator types

  • Intel sources

Setup Script

The included setup script will walk you through the installation and configuration of SIP:

$ ./

The setup script will walk you through:

  • Creating dev/test/production Docker environments

  • Setting the MySQL root user password

  • Creating a non-root MySQL user and password

  • Creating an optional self-signed HTTPS certificate

If you choose not to create a self-signed certificate, the script will notify you that you must supply your own certificate and where to place it.

Once you answer the setup script’s questions, it will generate files containing the environment variables for the MySQL and Flask Docker containers. The paths to these files will be shown by the setup script for you to review.



Example output from the setup script is shown below:

Build a DEV environment (y/N)? y
Build a PRODUCTION environment (y/N)? n

MYSQL root password:

MYSQL username: SIP
MYSQL password:

NGINX: Generate a self-signed certificate (y/N)? y

Generating a 2048 bit RSA private key
writing new private key to '/home/dev/SIP/services/nginx/certs/key.pem'
You are about to be asked to enter information that will be incorporated
into your certificate request.
What you are about to enter is what is called a Distinguished Name or a DN.
There are quite a few fields but you can leave some blank
For some fields there will be a default value,
If you enter '.', the field will be left blank.
Country Name (2 letter code) [AU]:US
State or Province Name (full name) [Some-State]:Somewhere
Locality Name (eg, city) []:Someplace
Organization Name (eg, company) [Internet Widgits Pty Ltd]:Integral Defense
Organizational Unit Name (eg, section) []:
Common Name (e.g. server FQDN or YOUR name) []:sip.local
Email Address []:

Building db-dev
Step 1/3 : FROM mysql:8.0.15
 ---> 81f094a7e4cc
Step 2/3 : ADD create.sql /docker-entrypoint-initdb.d
 ---> Using cache
 ---> e7a82071400a
Step 3/3 : ADD conf.d/ /etc/mysql/conf.d
 ---> Using cache
 ---> 7a89a9af0aef
Successfully built 7a89a9af0aef
Successfully tagged sip_db-dev:latest
Building web-dev
Step 1/8 : FROM python:3.7
 ---> dc6a60638123
Step 2/8 : RUN apt-get update && apt-get install -y mysql-client
 ---> Using cache
 ---> 824a8a8c41b8
Step 3/8 : WORKDIR /usr/src/app
 ---> Using cache
 ---> 31e50c746580
Step 4/8 : COPY ./requirements.txt /usr/src/app/requirements.txt
 ---> Using cache
 ---> bf7180697bde
Step 5/8 : RUN pip install -r requirements.txt
 ---> Using cache
 ---> e5db87e9dfca
Step 6/8 : COPY ./ /usr/src/app/
 ---> Using cache
 ---> 18ad61b7f770
Step 7/8 : COPY . /usr/src/app
 ---> 74a7f1ef420e
Step 8/8 : CMD ["/usr/src/app/"]
 ---> Running in 3751f57a9945
Removing intermediate container 3751f57a9945
 ---> adb4c05e4380
Successfully built adb4c05e4380
Successfully tagged sip_web-dev:latest
Building nginx-dev
Step 1/4 : FROM nginx:1.15.6-alpine
 ---> d3dcc25e0dc4
Step 2/4 : RUN rm /etc/nginx/conf.d/default.conf
 ---> Using cache
 ---> 0a7e23e8e331
Step 3/4 : COPY ./server-DEV.conf /etc/nginx/conf.d
 ---> Using cache
 ---> 9711b1acf628
Step 4/4 : ADD certs/ /etc/nginx/certs
 ---> Using cache
 ---> a7d1430078a5
Successfully built a7d1430078a5
Successfully tagged sip_nginx-dev:latest
Building db-test
Step 1/3 : FROM mysql:8.0
 ---> 81f094a7e4cc
Step 2/3 : ADD create.sql /docker-entrypoint-initdb.d
 ---> Using cache
 ---> e7a82071400a
Step 3/3 : ADD conf.d/ /etc/mysql/conf.d
 ---> Using cache
 ---> 7a89a9af0aef
Successfully built 7a89a9af0aef
Successfully tagged sip_db-test:latest
Building web-test
Step 1/8 : FROM python:3.7
 ---> dc6a60638123
Step 2/8 : RUN apt-get update && apt-get install -y mysql-client
 ---> Using cache
 ---> 824a8a8c41b8
Step 3/8 : WORKDIR /usr/src/app
 ---> Using cache
 ---> 31e50c746580
Step 4/8 : COPY ./requirements.txt /usr/src/app/requirements.txt
 ---> Using cache
 ---> bf7180697bde
Step 5/8 : RUN pip install -r requirements.txt
 ---> Using cache
 ---> e5db87e9dfca
Step 6/8 : COPY ./ /usr/src/app/
 ---> Using cache
 ---> b8e995a98fb7
Step 7/8 : COPY . /usr/src/app
 ---> 0fe5d3d26f63
Step 8/8 : CMD ["/usr/src/app/"]
 ---> Running in b0d24537eb35
Removing intermediate container b0d24537eb35
 ---> 2fd2f016e9ee
Successfully built 2fd2f016e9ee
Successfully tagged sip_web-test:latest
Building nginx-test
Step 1/4 : FROM nginx:1.15.6-alpine
 ---> d3dcc25e0dc4
Step 2/4 : RUN rm /etc/nginx/conf.d/default.conf
 ---> Using cache
 ---> 0a7e23e8e331
Step 3/4 : COPY ./server-TEST.conf /etc/nginx/conf.d
 ---> Using cache
 ---> aababc77bff6
Step 4/4 : ADD certs/ /etc/nginx/certs
 ---> Using cache
 ---> 19b43be1c9b2
Successfully built 19b43be1c9b2
Successfully tagged sip_nginx-test:latest

===  SUMMARY  ===

MYSQL: Review create.sql: /home/dev/SIP/services/db/create.sql
MYSQL: Review the DEV environment variables: /home/dev/SIP/services/db/docker-DEV.env
MYSQL: Review the TEST environment variables: /home/dev/SIP/services/db/docker-TEST.env

NGINX: Certificate: /home/dev/SIP/services/nginx/certs/cert.pem
NGINX: Certificate key: /home/dev/SIP/services/nginx/certs/key.pem

WEB: Review the DEV environment variables: /home/dev/SIP/services/web/docker-DEV.env
WEB: Review the TEST environment variables: /home/dev/SIP/services/web/docker-TEST.env

Creating network "sip_dev" with driver "bridge"
Creating volume "sip_mysql-dev" with local driver
Creating sip_db-dev_1 ...
Creating sip_db-dev_1 ... done
Creating sip_web-dev_1 ...
Creating sip_web-dev_1 ... done
Creating sip_nginx-dev_1 ...
Creating sip_nginx-dev_1 ... done
Waiting for SIP (DEV) to start...
Waiting for SIP (DEV) to start...
Waiting for SIP (DEV) to start...
Waiting for SIP (DEV) to start...
Waiting for SIP (DEV) to start...
Waiting for SIP (DEV) to start...
Waiting for SIP (DEV) to start...
Waiting for SIP (DEV) to start...
Waiting for SIP (DEV) to start...
Waiting for SIP (DEV) to start...
Waiting for SIP (DEV) to start...
Waiting for SIP (DEV) to start...
Waiting for SIP (DEV) to start...
Waiting for SIP (DEV) to start...
Waiting for SIP (DEV) to start...
Stopping sip_nginx-dev_1 ... done
Stopping sip_web-dev_1   ... done
Stopping sip_db-dev_1    ... done
Removing sip_nginx-dev_1 ... done
Removing sip_web-dev_1   ... done
Removing sip_db-dev_1    ... done
Removing network sip_dev
Creating network "sip_dev" with driver "bridge"
Creating sip_db-dev_1 ...
Creating sip_db-dev_1 ... done
Starting sip_db-dev_1 ... done
[2019-03-07 15:53:22,746] INFO in __init__: SIP starting
[2019-03-07 15:53:23,102] INFO in __init__: SIP starting
[2019-03-07 15:53:23,191] INFO in manage: SETUP: Created user role: admin
[2019-03-07 15:53:23,209] INFO in manage: SETUP: Created user role: analyst
[2019-03-07 15:53:23,227] INFO in manage: SETUP: Created indicator confidence: LOW
[2019-03-07 15:53:23,244] INFO in manage: SETUP: Created indicator confidence: MEDIUM
[2019-03-07 15:53:23,262] INFO in manage: SETUP: Created indicator confidence: HIGH
[2019-03-07 15:53:23,280] INFO in manage: SETUP: Created indicator impact: LOW
[2019-03-07 15:53:23,297] INFO in manage: SETUP: Created indicator impact: MEDIUM
[2019-03-07 15:53:23,315] INFO in manage: SETUP: Created indicator impact: HIGH
[2019-03-07 15:53:23,332] INFO in manage: SETUP: Created indicator status: NEW
[2019-03-07 15:53:23,350] INFO in manage: SETUP: Created indicator status: FA
[2019-03-07 15:53:23,368] INFO in manage: SETUP: Created indicator status: IN PROGRESS
[2019-03-07 15:53:23,386] INFO in manage: SETUP: Created indicator status: ANALYZED
[2019-03-07 15:53:23,404] INFO in manage: SETUP: Created indicator status: INFORMATIONAL
[2019-03-07 15:53:23,423] INFO in manage: SETUP: Created indicator status: DEPRECATED
[2019-03-07 15:53:23,440] INFO in manage: SETUP: Created indicator type: Address - ipv4-addr
[2019-03-07 15:53:23,458] INFO in manage: SETUP: Created indicator type: Email - Address
[2019-03-07 15:53:23,476] INFO in manage: SETUP: Created indicator type: Email - Content
[2019-03-07 15:53:23,494] INFO in manage: SETUP: Created indicator type: Email - Subject
[2019-03-07 15:53:23,511] INFO in manage: SETUP: Created indicator type: Hash - MD5
[2019-03-07 15:53:23,529] INFO in manage: SETUP: Created indicator type: Hash - SHA1
[2019-03-07 15:53:23,547] INFO in manage: SETUP: Created indicator type: Hash - SHA256
[2019-03-07 15:53:23,566] INFO in manage: SETUP: Created indicator type: URI - Domain Name
[2019-03-07 15:53:23,584] INFO in manage: SETUP: Created indicator type: URI - Path
[2019-03-07 15:53:23,601] INFO in manage: SETUP: Created indicator type: URI - URL
[2019-03-07 15:53:23,619] INFO in manage: SETUP: Created intel source: OSINT
[2019-03-07 15:53:23,679] INFO in manage: SETUP: Created admin user with password: o@eV5x=oU{W][4T>o?_m